Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Beginning of the Christmas Season

Chip and I are approaching exams... they start tomorrow! I can't believe that an ENTIRE semester has gone by. This year has FLOWN by so fast. I'm taking it easy on my kids this semester for their exams. Being an exploratory class, I don't want to stress them with my exam AND I've worked their butts off this nine weeks with all the stuff they've done. They've really learned to meet my expectations and done a great job meeting deadlines, too. This week we're going to have fun after their exams watching Christmas classics like The Polar Express, It's A Wonderful Life, and Home Alone...

This past Friday we went to eat breakfast with Santa (at the CLC). Jo had no real interest in Santa when she had her photo taken, she was most interested in his beard. I'm pretty sure the photographer got NO good pictures of her with Santa, but we've got them for proof. One day she'll want to see her first photo with Santa...

Today I made some treats for us to enjoy. Between Jo, Chip, and myself, we've gone through 1 1/2 custard pies today!!! Jo LOVED custard pie and ate an entire piece herself. (It was a small piece.) I also made cocoons for our "team" Christmas party at work. I just realized that our faculty gathering is Tuesday. Still haven't worked out whether we'll be able to go or not. Chip tutors on Tuesdays at the family school in Starkville, so our schedules may not allow us to go.

Earlier today, when we were in the kitchen baking/cleaning, Jo was on the ground scooting around in the living room and when we looked around, she had made it all the way into the kitchen with us! Chip walked her back to her area with her toys, and she proceeded to scoot right back into the kitchen. She's getting around really well and starting to get up on her knees. It's so exciting. We've really got to baby proof. All the stuff on her level is safe, but we've got to get outlet covers and baby gates SOON!

Sooner than later, we'll be Christmasing with Chip's family and up in Tupelo with mine. And then, before we know it - it'll be 2010 and I'll be back at work!

Oh my.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Thanksgiving and a visit to Papa John's

This past weekend Chip had class in Tupelo for his administration thing. He normally rides with another guy, but it didn't work out this weekend. Jo and I accompanied him up to Tupelo. We visited with Papa John and Winnie Saturday - we went shopping for furniture!! Jo loves shopping!!!
She has a great time with regular household products (as all kids do). Anyway, we had a blast together and it was nice to spend a long day with my dad (and Jo's grandpa). She loves Papa John and Winnie!
Note in the picture below - the tshirt is an 18 month shirt and the overalls are 12 month... and the overalls are almost too small. She's an Amazon Baby. And quite a work out to carry around furniture stores - especially when you have to sit in every couch there.
Josephine really liked her cousin Stephanie's cheesecake. It was Key Lime cheesecake. She liked it, but that tang suprised her every time! This is the best photo I got. She was scooting around when we were feeding her.
Jo and her second cousin, Asher. Asher turned one about a week before Thanksgiving. They're about 4 months apart. They had a great time together. Jo was interested in EVERYTHING Asher did.

Jo and I - getting ready to go to family Thanksgiving. She discovered that the nuts can was a great drum! (We were in Meridian with Chip's family for Thanksgiving. His whole mom's side of the family gathered at the church to eat - it was wonderful!)

We did informal Christmas pics this year in front of our new tree. Jo was not all that excited to be in a dress just for pictures, but she was a good sport.

Family Christmas photo. Sorry we're not perfectly color coordinated! (It's not really our style...) For my siblings... this pic will be your Christmas present. Happy early Christmas! :)