Sorry - these pictures are a bit out of order, but they'll tell the story just the same...
We took Josephine to her 4th football game ever - she has been to at least one each year since she was born and this was the first year where she really enjoyed the experience. She LOVED the fly over and the fireworks. She also enjoyed the bugs in the lights at the stadium. We got to campus around 4:00 pm (for a 6 pm kickoff) and we got home around 9:30 (we left early...) and she STILL wanted to stay up and play. She's a bit of a night owl!
Here's a pic of us from the LA Tech game:

Neither of these pictures are especially great - oh the joys of taking a photo of a 2 year old. You either get THESE faces - or you get that really fake smile where they squish up their face and just show their teeth. It's cute, but not as cute as their REAL smiles!

Caught in the middle of something - I actually got a cute smirk out of her. We had to go "walk" around campus before the game so she could DO something. She was not fond of sitting and watching football on TV when there were SO many places to go. Here we are at the Vietnam Memorial on MSU's campus. It is also the "free speech" zone on campus - there's some history for ya...

Here we are - probably playing with leaves or sticks or something equally exciting. How cute is she in her little jeans and her maroon shirt? ("JUST like MOMMY," she says...)

Josephine and Daddy outside the Union.

A few weekends ago we took Jo to a local park. It's a really nice area - the playground is used by the elementary school next door - there are also tennis courts, softball fields, and the community pool. As of yet, we've only utilized the playground. Josephine LOVES it - not only does it have slides and stairs and ladders, but it has SWINGS! She could swing for HOURS it we'd let her.

Getting ready to slide...

What a BIG girl! :)


SEE? The squished-my-face-so-I-just-show-my-teeth smile. Cute, but not AS cute as her real smile...

Her school photos were last Friday. I'll be QUITE interested in seeing how they turned out. We dressed her in such a cute little jumper with a white long sleeve t-shirt underneath and had plans to put on her nice brown shoes. NOPE. She wore her Dora tennis shoes with her dress. Oh well. I hope the photos are from the waist up... :)