Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

July 4th...

Josephine has grown so much recently - not just UP but matured a lot. She is quite the talker and comes up with her own ideas which she willingly shares. We're working on learning names of people (i.e. Mommy is Wendy, Daddy is Chip, etc...). The other day, I asked her what Papa's name is (John). She thought for a minute and said, "His naaaaaammmme...... BIG BOY." Haha! I have NO idea where she got that from, but it did not seem out of the realm of possibilities for that to be my dad's name. Funny kid!

Speaking of "Big Boy", he and Winnie bought Jo a toy golf set. One afternoon, we put her down for her nap and when we went back in to check on her, this is what we found:
I guess she just had such a good time playing, she fell asleep right in the middle of the action! :)
Jo's Self Portrait.
We went out to the Tupelo Country Club to watch fireworks the Friday before July 4th. These were Jo's 1st fireworks to go and watch. I was nervous because I thought she might be scared - they are quite loud! She LOVED them. Above is my brother's family watching the fireworks. All 3 of his girls were quite entertained by the show.
Another picture of my brother holding (I think) Lilly Grace, his oldest.
Jo watched the fireworks with her "sunglassies" on. I guess she's so cool she wears sunglasses at night.... (Note the glow necklace around her neck. My dad supplies these to the country club every year. When the cracked them and gave them out to all the kids, I was with Lilly Grace. She got so excited when she saw all the necklaces, she turned to me and exclaimed, "WHERE did they GET all those NECKLACES?!?" To which I laughed and replied, "I have no idea... maybe you should ask your daddy. ")

Jo and Daddy before July 4th.
Jo showing off for the camera.
I was showing her how to show her teeth. I like this photo!
Jo and Mommy.