Sunday, December 13, 2009
Beginning of the Christmas Season
This past Friday we went to eat breakfast with Santa (at the CLC). Jo had no real interest in Santa when she had her photo taken, she was most interested in his beard. I'm pretty sure the photographer got NO good pictures of her with Santa, but we've got them for proof. One day she'll want to see her first photo with Santa...
Today I made some treats for us to enjoy. Between Jo, Chip, and myself, we've gone through 1 1/2 custard pies today!!! Jo LOVED custard pie and ate an entire piece herself. (It was a small piece.) I also made cocoons for our "team" Christmas party at work. I just realized that our faculty gathering is Tuesday. Still haven't worked out whether we'll be able to go or not. Chip tutors on Tuesdays at the family school in Starkville, so our schedules may not allow us to go.
Earlier today, when we were in the kitchen baking/cleaning, Jo was on the ground scooting around in the living room and when we looked around, she had made it all the way into the kitchen with us! Chip walked her back to her area with her toys, and she proceeded to scoot right back into the kitchen. She's getting around really well and starting to get up on her knees. It's so exciting. We've really got to baby proof. All the stuff on her level is safe, but we've got to get outlet covers and baby gates SOON!
Sooner than later, we'll be Christmasing with Chip's family and up in Tupelo with mine. And then, before we know it - it'll be 2010 and I'll be back at work!
Oh my.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Thanksgiving and a visit to Papa John's
She has a great time with regular household products (as all kids do). Anyway, we had a blast together and it was nice to spend a long day with my dad (and Jo's grandpa). She loves Papa John and Winnie!
Note in the picture below - the tshirt is an 18 month shirt and the overalls are 12 month... and the overalls are almost too small. She's an Amazon Baby. And quite a work out to carry around furniture stores - especially when you have to sit in every couch there.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Some of my friends have Kindles and they're obsessed, but I still like to carry the book around with me and dog ear my pages. It's just not the same on the Kindle. The nice thing about those things is that books are significantly cheaper. Sometimes I'm just not about the technology.
In JOSEPHINE news, she cut her first tooth! I found it last Saturday. Since then, she's been drooling on EVERYTHING. She's so cute when she smiles and that one tooth sticks out! She's also starting to turn circles when you put her on her belly. She can turn circles and creep backwards. I'm sure she'll be crawling soon.
We will be traveling to Tupelo for my birthday this weekend. We're celebrating with a party on Friday at my mom's. Saturday morning Chip and I are going to Ballard Park to watch our girls comptete in a soccer tournament. We also plan to go to the Flea Market. Chip and I are getting a new TV for ourselves for Christmas, so we're going to try and find a good deal. Perhaps we'll be buying that the day after Thanksgiving, but we're going to look anyway. Saturday night is the Alabama game and, thankfully, we're not going to be in town. I promise - Starkville is NOT build for an extra 90 - 100 thousand people. I hope we win. I hate Alabama. Hate is not a strong enough word for how Chip feels about Alabama. I'll pull for Bama when they're playing Ole Miss... Chip won't watch the game.
Well... it's time for children again. I'll post some updated pictures that we have of Josephine soon.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
We're using digital photography to create stop-motion music videos in class. I never assign a project without having done it myself. I think that's a good rule of thumb as a teacher. I've never given a test I haven't taken and I've never asked kids to do something I can't do... so here's my music video. It took about a day and a half, and I worked on it during the day (so you may see some students in the background). They're doing such an awesome job, but the cameras we have use AA batteries and we're burning through those faster than 7th graders lose pencils!
Hope this works... I'm at school and it may take the rest of the day for this to upload!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
She's started eating real food at daycare. Yesterday I sent her with sweet peas and I told Mrs. Susan good luck. I think sweet peas are DISGUSTING! Jo ate all of them. She's SO Chip's baby.
We've had such a busy week at school. Yesterday, today, and tomorrow in the morning we've been doing MCT2 style testing. It's thrown our schedule off, which has been challenging, but we've got to do what we've got to do. The school district hired a new PEAK teacher and they gave her my PEAK class and gave me some VIVA art kids. It's been hard to lose my kids, but I can only do so much.
The musical is getting underway. We're having an interest meeting next Thursday. I can't believe it's here already!!! OH MY GOSH!!! Life is going to FLY by the next few months. I know it.
Thursday night we're having birthday parties for all of our "Octibbidy" birthdays. It'll be fun to take Jo up to Tupelo and show her off. Papa John's seen her most recently -but she's trying to sit up now and Chip's been putting her on her belly and watching her try to scoot around. What a mess! I gave her applesauce yesterday - she HATED it. Chip thought she was going to throw up. Poor thing.
Well... I just felt like I should update the blog... it's been a little while. I'm still alive!!!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Jo's First MSU Game
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
MSU, sitting, and more...
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Monday, August 31, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Lovely Baby
Ahhhh ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!! She's recently started squealing with delight. It's hilarious. This isn't the best example, but I'm quickly learning that as soon as a child does something worth capturing on video, they'll stop doing is as soon as you get the camera. :)
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
We're still in transition about starting school and the numbers of students that we have are changing daily (as they do the first days of school). On Wednesday (before students arrived) I taught 7 classes of Viva Drama. When I got to school on Thursday (1st day back for students) I was teaching a class of Viva Art, 5 classes of Viva Drama, and one class of Peak (intellectually gifted). Quite different. I think that the Peak class is going to be the most challenging class to plan for, but the most rewarding class to have. I really am enjoying all my kids. They're such neat kids and I'm trying to adjust to being the teacher where the kids don't want to leave. Teaching history - they're not to enthused about the subject matter, but in Viva they LOVE having the freedom they're given.
Chip is having a pretty good year too. He says he likes his kids more this year, but it's taking its toll on him because the first two days of school he missed his planning period (meetings). Teaching/being on your feet all day straight is exhausting.
We're still trying to get on our own schedule here at home. Seeing what works best for us to get ourselves ready and Josephine ready to go to daycare. I have to drop off Jo at 7:30 and get to school at 7:30 also. Impossible. I'm just a few minutes late to my classroom, but class doesn't start until 7:45. Luckily, my next door neighbor in my building teaches Viva Art (my 1st period class) so we teach it together (well, I facilitate). All my students report to her room. It helps a whole lot with my schedule and dropping the baby off.
My first project for my Peak class is for them to get to know themselves. We're doing a lot of assessments of self (brain dominance, multiple intelligences, sensory perception, etc.) and they're going to create a presentation of themselves. Our first unit is going to be a psychology unit and discuss their development. I think they'll really find this interesting. Still thinking about what our next three units will be, but they all want to do something where we build something. I'll have to research that. In Viva Drama, we're going to do a presentation on the history of Theatre (they can take any direction they want) and we're going to begin this nine weeks with monologues/character development. The one thing I've heard a lot of from these kids is that they want to do a lot more acting. We played Charades on Friday. Where in a regular classroom can you play Charades as part of your curriculum?? I LOVE my new job. Challenging, but incredibly rewarding!! :)
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Also, just to let everyone know - Josephine is sleeping through the night. She goes to bed around 9 and wakes up around 6. That's about how I sleep when school's going on! :)
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
I'm going to go up to school today and take pictures of my new classroom. Will post later!
Monday, July 27, 2009
School is a few days away!
This afternoon after Jo got up from her morning nap, we went to school to my new room so I could start arranging it how I wanted. Let me explain to everyone how new classrooms go: you don't have anything you need, you have too much of stuff you don't want, it's dusty and nasty, nothing is in the order that you want, and everything's been pushed up against a wall so they can clean over the summer. And we have to get all this into a somewhat attractive, functional classroom before students come in August 6th. And decorate. Yuck. I'm a very organized person and even more organized when it comes to my classroom because - well - I have to be. It's very hard to swap classrooms and start all over again.
Jo was great while we were up at school playing on her mat and talking to her frog and then it was nap time, so I sent her and her father home for her nap. When she woke up, she came back up to school and Chip and I moved stuff around in the classroom. I ought to take pictures of it and post them, but I have to tell you I have a TON of stuff in there. I have 4 risers which Chip and I have made into a stage, 5 tables, a teacher desk, a student desk, a student computer, a teacher computer, a bookshelf, refrigerator, sink/cabinets, TV and VCR on a cart, and two massive storage rooms - one was empty (now my things are in there) and one full of musical supplies. Anyway, there's a lot. I'm quite lucky to have so much and I'm trying to take everything from my classroom to this new one.
For those of you who aren't teachers, I'm just going to tell you - when you first get a job in a school you will have NOTHING you want in your classroom because whoever was there before took anything worth taking with them when they moved to a new classroom and in between their move and your moving in, other teachers came and took whatever wasn't worth taking. You start with NOTHING. I've been very lucky to have Chip there before me and some really great teachers who have given me extra things they haven't needed. I'm trying to remember what it was like, so I'm leaving a chair, desk, computer desk, a laptop, projector, and SmartBoard. Lucky person to get my room!! (Chip asked who I thought was going to come in and steal the projector and SmartBoard from the new person...)
If you have anything in your home that you're thinking is useless and you really don't want - take it to your local school and drop it off. I promise some school teacher will want it. I don't really care what the item is - some school teacher will want it. I had a broken fan that I didn't want in my classroom anymore because, well, it was BROKEN - I took it down to the teacher's lounge and in literally 20 minutes, it was gone. His first year teaching, Chip had some ugly lamps in his apartment that he'd had from college, we took them up to school to clear some stuff out and those went too. Some teacher has ugly house lamps in their classroom. Whether they're using them or not, we don't know, but we didn't have to find a home for them - which was great.
One man's trash is another man's treasure.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Vacation Pics/Home
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Beach and Shopping
I'm not much for the beach, but I've gotten out there a few times in the past few days to throw the frisbee and lay out. I prefer the pool much more. We played categories with Chip's nieces and nephews and his brother in law the other day, then we all decided to go to the shallow end and play Marco Polo. We had a blast. Did I mention that Chip's neices and nephews are all his age or older?
Last night we went to Foley to eat at Lambert's. I've never been there before, but I've now experienced the "throwed rolls." Chip's nephew Delaney was questioning the grammatical correctness of the restaurant, but it just wouldn't be the same if it were correct. I completely filled up and had enough to eat today as well. Even Chip couldn't finish his meal (granted he ate 2 or 3 rolls and a ton of fried okra before the meal came and he did order a POUND of hamburger steak).
Today we had a lazy day and after lunch someone suggested we all go to Foley to shop. I LOVE shopping and we decided to take Jo as well. We loaded her up in the car with her stroller and spent the majority of the afternoon shopping. She was so good! She had a cat nap while we walked, but she stayed up and was so happy. It was really fun. I could have stayed longer, but we pretty much spent the amount of money I had budgeted. I felt like a kid at the arcade who had run out of tokens. :( We got several nice shirts and two pair of pants at the outlet. You know you're frugal when you go and look for the CLEARANCE rack at the OUTLET mall. (Frugal or cheap... either one.)
Although it's been fun to be on vacation, I am kind of ready to get back and get home. I wouldn't be so ready, but I'm just thinking about all the stuff I've got to move out of my room at school!! Unfortunately, no one will do that for me. I've got to get the ball rolling or I'll be teaching in the hallway come August 6th.
Jo has grown by leaps and bounds and come a long way from what she was. She's really becoming so much more interactive. Also, she's sleeping in her crib every night and it doesn't take anything to put her down anymore. We just put her down on her side, put the pacifier in her mouth and turn on her sound machine and she is OUT. Thank goodness they get easier. :)
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Here's Josephine at the beach. She was completely unimpressed. Poor thing did not nap very much on the way down, but she caught up for it last night!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Where has summer gone?
We're about to go on vacation to the beach. I'm really excited about going on vacation, but I'm also terrified about how the baby's going to travel. Really, her longest trip so far has been to Tupelo. We're traveling down to Meridian first and staying the night, then going to the beach. From Meridian, it's about a 4 hour drive. Hopefully she won't notice...
On a really positive note, Jo's been sleeping in her crib for the past 2 nights. I just got her down for her nap in her crib a few minutes ago. Because she's had such a bad time with acid reflux, she's been sleeping in her bouncer since she was about 2 weeks old. Now that she's on medicine that helps control it, she's doing much better and we're able to put her flat to sleep.
I'll post some pictures I've taken since we've been back in town, but I have to go get the camera and load them onto the computer first!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
The last week at Nana's
It's been fun (mostly) being at home with the baby. She's gotten herself on a pretty good schedule. Although, sometimes she strays from that and it makes it really hard on me to get anything done (a shower is always celebrated when I can enjoy it during her naps). She's getting SO big. We've been giving her a little cereal in her bottles and have attempted to feed her cereal from a spoon. She's just not sure what to think of that. I've got some pictures of her first cereal feeding, but I can't post those right now.
I just realized that we'll get back to Starkville for about two weeks, then go to the beach, then it'll be almost time for school to start! We really were busy this summer. It's been a very productive summer for the both of us though. I taught summer school and Chip is taking school and we've both gotten to spend our fair share of time with the baby! We've promised each other that these next few weeks Chip will go play golf and I'll go to the pool and we'll swap off with the baby. We've got to enjoy this summer vacation while we have it!
Congrats to my brother-in-law Joe for finishing his Doctorate at LSU. I know they're thrilled. And also, please remember my niece Annie and her family while she goes up to Nashville next week for a check up. Praying all goes well!!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
1st Week at Nana's
Chip left on Sunday night and took Lincoln with him, so he left Stella's breakfast in her bowl on the kitchen table for Monday morning. That poor dog sat at the table forever waiting on her breakfast... she didn't know. She's cute though.
This past weekend we put Jo in her boppies to help her sit without our assistance. She kind of looks like the Godfather reclining in her chair or something. That baby belly kind of adds to the effect too.