She's had a cold here the last few days, but it really hasn't affected her too much. She's so funny!
This was Chip the other day holding his two babies. Jo's trying to hide her face and Stella's trying to lick it. They love each other. Up until now, Stella's been pretty much the winner - getting her licks in when she wants. Now, Jo's learned how to reach out, grab, and PULL Stella's ears. Stella does not like that at all!
Jo in her MSU outfit. She wore it to our first football game vs. Jackson State. It was a "Maroon Out." They had MSU day at daycare too - this was also her outfit. She has other MSU stuff, but none of it fits yet. And she's also got a maroon bow - but I think we'll have to wait a while longer until some hair comes in. She's finally lost all her newborn hair.
I enlarged the last picture, showed Mary and asked "who is this?" She loudly announced "Baby Chip!"