In case you guys were wondering... this is Stella's baby. We normally don't put Jo on the floor, but the other day she was so good we just put her down and let her look at the fan. (All babies love fans... thank goodness we have a fan in every room!) Anyway, Stella decided that not only did Jo taste good but she would make a wonderful pillow.
Get used to it, Jo. Stella's a sucker for a lap... even your tiny one!
This is how Josephine sleeps when she's not swaddled. Her arms cannot stay down. We've tried. Every time those arms go up we'll push them down... only for her to raise them again. I pray for her circulation, although it must be pretty good.
What a horrible photo... but, when else can you take a picture of your child taking a poop? It's funny... really. Poor thing. I have another picture of her where her face matches our couch but I think one picture of her straining is enough.
Sometimes she just wants to be held... not a lot... but sometimes. This is one of those rare occurences and, thankfully, Chip was here to take the picture. She's in her MSU hat (and you can't see her feet, but they have on MSU socks too).
I think the Sunday before Chip went to work was the most terrifying day for me. Monday would be the first day that I was going to stay home with her and it was just going to be the two of us. Although I know I can take care of her, I'm not sure I can take care of her and me!
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