Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Leigh's 30th Birthday and the Pumpkin Patch

Last Saturday we went up to Tupelo for Jo's aunt's 30th birthday party. After the party, we went to the pumpkin patch at the Buffalo Park. Jo LOVED the goats. She thought they were great!
She was not so sure about the calf. We tried to get her to say "moo" and I showed her that the baby cow was very sweet, but I think it was a little too large for her. She watched, but didn't touch!
Here she is with her daddy and the goats again. I think she would have taken one of them home.
With her Nana and cousin Emily - trying to share Nana's lap.
Leigh's mom made a really great banner for her birthday. We had a wonderful lunch and really enjoyed watching all of Leigh's friends and children play together. Even Jo got in on the action!
The birthday cake...
Lilly Grace was a great big cousin and gave Jo a whole tour of the country club.

Here they are again, holding hands about to go on a walk.
We did have a great time seeing my side of the family and celebrating birthdays. It was a wonderful weekend, but it made Sunday come so much sooner!!!!!!!!!!! NO!!!!
Today's homecoming at MSU and we're looking forward to taking Jo. I'm not sure how long she'll make it, but we'll try to keep her up as long as we can. I'm sure sno cones and chicken tenders will work on her for a while!

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