We got out of school on Friday and we had a relaxing night at home - our last for while. On Saturday (Dec. 18th), we woke up early-ish (we were on the road by 8) and drove to Meridian, where we picked up Chip's dad's truck and his brother-in-law's trailer. We drove down to Baton Rouge. My sister is going to be living in HONG KONG for 3 years and was moving out of their home in Baton Rouge. We are going to be storing a lot of their stuff here in Starkville while they're out of the country.
This was the first time Jo was really able to "play" with her cousin Mary. Mary is a year and a half older than Jo and Jo's always been too little to really enjoy doing stuff with her cousins. They did lots of really cute things the two days we were down there. SOME of them I got on camera...
Here they are "sharing" the laptop - I think they were watching an episode of Super Why. Thank GOODNESS for Netflix. It was a chore to move stuff with two little ones underfoot, but the TV always stopped them in their tracks and kept their attention. We had a lot of discussion about "sharing" the TV - neither of them really wanted to (both being only children), but they did OK. It was funny for them to slowly ease their way in front of the computer and completely in the way of the other one. We thought it was cute - they did NOT.
The NEXT day Elizabeth and Mary came up to spend the night with us and drop off some more things for us and to store. Elizabeth and I got up on Christmas Eve and made cookies. It's a family tradition to make cut out cookies and desserts for Christmas - something that my mother has always had us do. Whether we really want to or not, it's just not Christmas without a lot of baking. (Mmm... one thing that we did NOT do this Christmas was sausage balls.... I thought of that later, but it will definitely be on my list next year.)
Elizabeth went on up to Tupelo on the 24th and we stayed in Starkville. We went over to Brittany and Jim's house to help them install their Christmas present to each other (a 55" flat screen TV). Jim made a steak dinner - it was excellent!
On Christmas morning we woke up to find that it was SNOWING! We had a WHITE CHRISTMAS in MISSISSIPPI! The roads were fine though and so we had no problems traveling to Tupelo for the Prince family Christmas. If it has to snow (I'm not really one for winter...) that's the kind I like - it's pretty and doesn't make travel dangerous.
We had a great time at Papa John's house for Christmas. Jo was spoiled beyond belief this Christmas. I don't know if she knew what all was going on, but she liked it. Winnie had a great spread of food - pork tenderloin, ham, croissants, salami, cheese, chips, dips, desserts, and apple cider. Yum. (I can surely say we did NOT starve this Christmas!)
Jo got to play all day with all her cousins - Emily and Annie (who are both 16 months older), Mary (18 months older), and Lilly Grace (who turned 6 in October). Lilly Grace is such a sweet child and has a very gentle demeanor. She loves little children and is especially excited to see her cousin, "Baby Jo." Jo's cousins WORE HER OUT! She had a great time though.
On Sunday (Dec. 26th) we got up and had a good morning with Papa and Winnie and then hit the road. Again. We arrived in Meridian at lunch time and spent Christmas with the Frazier side of the family. Chip does not have a lot of surviving older relatives on his dad's side, but his Aunt Jessie has always hosted the family for the holiday events and we get to see all of Chip's cousins and Jo's second cousins. They showered Josephine with gifts - and she was so thrilled to be there!
AFTER lunch, we went to Chip's home and celebrated with his mom, step-dad, sister, grandmother, brother-in-law, nephew, aunt, and uncle. We had a great afternoon/evening talking. It was very relaxed and was good to have that relaxed atmosphere after so much traveling. I have to put this on the blog, because I'm still thinking about it days later, but Chip's mother had the most AWESOME dish which I ate for dinner AND lunch the next day. It was a white chili. Oh my goodness - it was fabulous. Josephine also thought so and probably could have eaten her weight in it if either Chip or I had let her.
On the 27th - it was finally time to go home. FOR GOOD! We first had to make a stop. I have long wanted Chip and I to go visit the cemetery where his dad is buried. (If you don't already know - I really LOVE cemeteries... I know, it's probably unusual, but I love all the history of the grave markers and the incriptions on them. It's a very moving display of love for those who have passed on before and it's heartening to know that people will remember you when you are gone - even complete strangers passing by in the cemetery.) Anyway - we took Jo and wandered around for a while before we finally found what we were looking for. We got a few pictures and this one was SO cute - Jo sat straight down and smiled for the camera!
We told Jo that it was her daddy's daddy and why we were there and showed her the grave marker. The sweetest thing happened when we left. As we were walking away, Jo turned around, waved, and said "bye bye." Isn't that so sweet?
Ok, that's enough with the stories of the travel! We've been home now for a few days and we got to visit yesterday for a while with Chip's best friend Matt, his wife, and their 5 year old. That was great. They live in Kansas and we hardly ever get to see them, except for when they come home for holidays. They are trying to move back to Mississippi - please pray for Matt and that he might find a job that is closer! He's been looking for a while for something that is both close and that he will be happy with. We know he'll find it, it's just a matter of something opening up!
Tonight we are going to the Starkville Country Club for their New Years Eve party. Nana and Lilly Grace are coming down to babysit Josephine. She will have a wonderful time, no doubt.
Ok, I know I haven't posted in a LONG time - is this enough information for ya?! Ha!
I glad you guys had a wonderful Christmas and that Jo and Mary had some play time. Hope you have a good New Year's.