Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, February 4, 2011

Ending One Thing, Starting Another.

Today was a "snow day". As you can see below, there's not much snow here. Actually, the roads were probably in worse condition yesterday as there was ice on the roads where water had accumulated. Today, it's just wet. So - we are all at home watching things on our DVR that we haven't had time to watch this week. It's a nice day to spend with the family, but I'm not looking forward to making these days up! :)
Jo's having a fabulous time at home with her mommy and her daddy. She has gone back to her "pacy" to help with her teething pain. This was a mistake! She's had it since Christmas - we had totally broken her of it, but we pulled it out again just so she would have something to teeth on. She will give it up in the morning, but she is insistent that she have it to go to bed and sometimes in the morning. TEETH! I'm glad she has them, but they REALLY need to come in quickly. She's on her final two to come through for a while. Thank goodness. She's been teething nonstop since about 7 1/2 months old.
One of the funniest things is when she wants to read her pop-up book that Papa and Winnie got her for Christmas, she will run up to us and request, "BIG!" She calls this book her "big" because of the big pictures that pop up. It's really funny and I'm glad she enjoys all her books.

She also really enjoys the sticker books that she got for Christmas and will ask us, "uder ticker" (which means, "another sticker"). The amount that she says and what she understands is really neat. She want to tell us all about what she sees and it's neat what kinds of things she is recognizing and we did not teach her. She also likes to say goodbye to everyone in her class in the afternoon. She'll go through each one individually, "bye bye josh, bye bye lake, bye bye ginger, bye bye joel." Then, she'll look at us as we're walking out and go, "I Jo." I guess if she addressed everyone else, she felt left out. Haha. I love it when she tells us, "I Jo." As if we didn't know.

She is still very anal and likes all her things "just so". She likes the leather love seat empty so she can play "night night" on it. Yesterday, I put my jacket on the love seat and the first thing she did when she saw it was to throw it off the love seat. She does not like other people's things on her stuff. She will also "hide" her pacifier in the morning - she puts it in between her bed and the wall - I guess so no one else will take it, but who knows? She likes to put on coats, and always wants them zipped up! (Even if she's inside and she's already warm!) We have to hide a lot of things from her now because she will become obsessed. Shoes, coats, pacifiers, etc. all have to be hidden or else she will want them on!

She only wants to sit in big people chairs now - she does not want to sit in baby chairs. A lot of the time, she doesn't want you sitting on the same furniture. About the only time she'll share the couch with me is if she's pretending to go "night night" and I pretend with her. Otherwise, she thinks the couch should be all hers.

If there is a big person spoon and her spoon, she will use the big person spoon all the time! She's decided that she's old enough. :) She's starting to show interest in the potty as well. It's fine that mommy and daddy use it, and she'll sit on her little potty, but only as a seat - not as a potty. She will not sit down and try to use it. She does NOT like that. Haha. The other day, she was sitting on her potty reading one of her books. I wish I had gotten a picture of that.

As the title of the post says, we're ending one thing and starting another. Chip and I have had a really difficult year this year. (Well, we've had difficult YEARS, but I think we're finally over being gluttons for punishment...) Anyway, we have told our higher ups that we will not be coming back next year. That was a weight lifted off of our shoulders. The night we sat down and decided, we really did have a celebration at the Frazier household. We are very happy we will not be returning, but it is hard to get up each day and love what you do when you know you won't be back. We are doing the best we can.

We will be moving to Tupelo - so we had to put our house on the market. That is surreal. It's very odd to see your house on the internet, with pictures and all that stuff too! We hope we will sell quickly and be able to purchase in Tupelo soon. We have patience and some wonderful people helping us.
I am so thankful for my family and the fact that they are able to have me come and work for them. I am looking forward to this career change and I know that Chip is also looking forward to what's ahead. I'm asking everyone to keep us in your thoughts/prayers. This year has been very difficult and we have about 13 weeks left. We appreciate everyone's support this year - a lot of you have been behind us and very kind and helpful even when you did not know what was going on. Some of you still do not know the full extent of what we go through/have gone through, but you still have been there for us. For that we are very grateful.

As I said before, we are REALLY looking forward to the future. We're just ready for the future to be the PRESENT! :)

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